PENELOPE CRUZ E JAVIER BARDEM hanno regalato 20.000 maschere chirurgiche FFP2 e 100.000 guanti all’ospedale La Paz di Madrid.





Dal profili instagram di Peleope Cruz e Javier Bardem

After days of searching for a way to locate medical supplies that are urgently needed in these difficult times so that we could buy them and donate them to hospitals, Javier and I finally found a source. Thanks to the logistic help of Indetex, we have been able to buy 100.000 Nitrilo gloves and 20.000 surgical FFP2 masks ,which arrived today in La Paz hospital In Madrid.
Even with the enormous difficulties that obtaining these essential sanitary materials and getting them to their destination present, we are hoping to be able to donate more supplies, so essential in these critical times, in the coming days. Our gratitude goes out to all the anonymous heroes and heroines who risk their own health to help cure and maintain the health of us all. Thank you!!!

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